Vision One Family Eye Care offers a unique combination of services for patients, including:
- Evaluation and fitting for soft or gas permeable designs for nearsighted or farsighted patients
- Customized designs for astigmatism and presbyopia
- Specialty fits for patients with keratoconus, corneal scars, post refractive surgery difficulties, and more
- Orthokeratology for patients desiring a non-surgical way to eliminate their dependency on glasses
- Myopia Control for younger patients who want to reduce and minimize the progression of their advancing prescription
Contact Lens Types
The variety of contact lenses fit by Vision One Family Eye Care are as diverse as the patients we treat. Modern computer technology has made it possible to manufacture contact lenses in materials and in geometrical designs that could not have been made only a few years ago. We utilizes state-of-the-art contact lens fitting sets, and computerized contact lens design technology to handle virtually any contact lens fitting requirement.
From contact lenses for simple nearsightedness and farsightedness, to more complicated designs for astigmatism and bifocal needs, to the most complex contact lens designs for a post-surgical fitting, and for eyes with diseases that require highly specialized contact lenses just to obtain useable vision, Dr. Brand can handle it all.
Please contact us to discuss your contact lens options today!